The life and times of J.Jay

Just the blog of a boy with a dream


Somethings are better when they are frozen forever


Oh summer you are missed =/

My girlfriend

Dream girl that became reality.

My Crew

HeartBreaker right from the start


OMG i love them, I'm mad late but they are still beautiful. Too bad they dont come in a size 6.


So I got a shoutout from a good friend and buisness partner in one of her videos. Sole De Vida is a upcoming youtube sneaker reviewer. Shes a wonderful person and a very dope collector so look out for her. She'll be getting a logo and link done by me very soon.

Well check out the video. My shoutout is at 4:35. (LOL my music starts playing of course)

Don't forget to add her channels

Bang, Bang , RELOAD

Boredom + Nerf Gun + Webcam + Photoshop = COOL ASS PICTURE


-”what matters most is how well you walk through the fire” charles bukowski.

-"non, je ne regrette rien" = no, i regret nothing.

-"to die will be an awfully big adventure” peter pan

-"I feel infinite”

-"to infinite and beyond" Buzz Lightyear

-Ad libitum is Latin for “at [one’s] pleasure”. In music,it means “At the discretion of the performer” or ”to improvise freely in any style”.

-"serva me servabote" Latin for Save Me I'll save you

-“Vide Cor Meum” that means: “See My Heart”.

- "vous n’avez pas des os en verre. Vous pouvez vous cogner à la vie" you don’t have bones of glass. You can take life’s knocks

-"Demain n’est jamais promis" Tomorrow is never promised

In touch

I've always been in touch with my creative side but lately me and this huge sketch pad have been great friends. Markers, pencils, decos, canvas, and charcoal. Ive spent less time in front of this computer and more time laying in my living room. Munnys and this sketch pad are becoming so much cooler to me. Illustrations are so cool. Hopefully my school gives me my camera so you guys can see some things.

As dance goes, I've been in the lab training. Must keep pushing, must keep training. I refuse to be average. Alright this is enough rambling. Return to your normally scheduled day

Shes Niceeeeee

The League

The LXD. Watch and learn kiddos.


15 Random Things About Me
1. I love eating fruits

2. I am a diagnosed insomniac

3. Truly cant live without my mother and my sister

4. Love being in school

5. I trained myself from scratch with Photoshop

6. I MOST DEFINITELY hate people that talk shit

7. Favorite color is purple

8. My bestfriend happens to be my step-sister

9. I love taking care of kids

10. I can dislocate my own shoulder

11. Amber Rose, Megan Fox and Kim Kardashian are all madly in love with me

12. I hate the sound when you drag the back of your foot on the ground

13. Biggest pet-peeve : When the female isnt walking on the inside of the
sidewalk. Get some manners guys and make sure your girl is safe.

14. I think I might have a NyQuil addiction. Its the only thing that puts me to sleep

15. Kid Robot toys make me happy.


Tinkerbell inspired Dunk SB low. Idea Courtesy of Marcella


Flapjack inspired Dunk SB low. Idea courtesy of Seanito.

My Job

Anybody that knows me is well aware of my passions. Dance, graphics and sneaker make me one happy camper. I was watching a video from Franalations and he was showcasing his custom Pikachu AF1s. He mentioned a thing called Bespoke. So ,being very curious, I looked it up. Video and description after the jump.

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