9:49 PM
Well check out the video. My shoutout is at 4:35. (LOL my music starts playing of course)
Don't forget to add her channels
10:48 PM
-"non, je ne regrette rien" = no, i regret nothing.
-"to die will be an awfully big adventure” peter pan
-"I feel infinite”
-"to infinite and beyond" Buzz Lightyear
-Ad libitum is Latin for “at [one’s] pleasure”. In music,it means “At the discretion of the performer” or ”to improvise freely in any style”.
-"serva me servabote" Latin for Save Me I'll save you
-“Vide Cor Meum” that means: “See My Heart”.
- "vous n’avez pas des os en verre. Vous pouvez vous cogner à la vie" you don’t have bones of glass. You can take life’s knocks
-"Demain n’est jamais promis" Tomorrow is never promised
In touch
10:03 PM
As dance goes, I've been in the lab training. Must keep pushing, must keep training. I refuse to be average. Alright this is enough rambling. Return to your normally scheduled day
11:08 PM
1. I love eating fruits
2. I am a diagnosed insomniac
3. Truly cant live without my mother and my sister
4. Love being in school
5. I trained myself from scratch with Photoshop
6. I MOST DEFINITELY hate people that talk shit
7. Favorite color is purple
8. My bestfriend happens to be my step-sister
9. I love taking care of kids
10. I can dislocate my own shoulder
11. Amber Rose, Megan Fox and Kim Kardashian are all madly in love with me
12. I hate the sound when you drag the back of your foot on the ground
13. Biggest pet-peeve : When the female isnt walking on the inside of the
sidewalk. Get some manners guys and make sure your girl is safe.
14. I think I might have a NyQuil addiction. Its the only thing that puts me to sleep
15. Kid Robot toys make me happy.
My Job
12:00 PM