
15 Random Things About Me
1. I love eating fruits

2. I am a diagnosed insomniac

3. Truly cant live without my mother and my sister

4. Love being in school

5. I trained myself from scratch with Photoshop

6. I MOST DEFINITELY hate people that talk shit

7. Favorite color is purple

8. My bestfriend happens to be my step-sister

9. I love taking care of kids

10. I can dislocate my own shoulder

11. Amber Rose, Megan Fox and Kim Kardashian are all madly in love with me

12. I hate the sound when you drag the back of your foot on the ground

13. Biggest pet-peeve : When the female isnt walking on the inside of the
sidewalk. Get some manners guys and make sure your girl is safe.

14. I think I might have a NyQuil addiction. Its the only thing that puts me to sleep

15. Kid Robot toys make me happy.

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